The Lone Star State chapter of the National Association of Social Workers supports a reinvestment initiative to advance the profession and recruit high-quality applicants for programs offering social work degrees in Texas. This effort comes at a time when social workers increasingly find themselves on the front lines as first responders in times of crisis to meet diverse types of family and community needs. As a result, higher education institutions nationwide strive to train the next generation of skilled professionals via degree programs like those in Texas that address trending social work issues through relevant curricular studies.
The following is our list of accredited social work degree programs in the state of Texas.
Featured Social Work Programs
Abilene Christian University
Bachelor of Science in Social Work (B.S.S.W.)
Students earning this degree can work in sectors such as children and family services, public education, mental health, community health, child welfare, gerontology, juvenile services, the justice system, public policy, social enterprise or politics. The curriculum prepares graduates with the required skills to obtain entry-level licensure and pursue immediate professional employment or to continue with further graduate studies. The 128-credit degree encompasses general education requirements, courses in the major, approved electives, practicum experiences and a capstone project. Curricular studies cover theory and practices in five content areas:
-Social welfare policy and services
-Social work practice
-Human behavior in the social environment
-Social research
-Field education
Master of Science in Social Work (M.S.S.W.)
Candidates with this master's degree in social work can seek advanced-level licensure and pursue higher-level positions in clinical environments. The curriculum emphasizes advanced practices and interventions necessary for expert practitioners dealing with 21st-century social work issues. The program offers a 64-credit, two-year standard program for students from any baccalaureate background or a 38-credit advanced track for students with a BSW from an accredited program. Each degree requires completion of a thesis. Anticipated courses cover advanced studies in these areas:
-Evidence-based foundations, practices and interventions
-Program and practice evaluation
-Policy analysis and practice
-Diversity, power and oppression
-Social work practice and spirituality
-Administration, management and funding for non-profit organizations
-Psychopathology for social work practices
-Social justice and globalization
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools – Commission on Colleges
- Council on Social Work Education
Abilene Christian University
Hardin Administration Building Rm 108
ACU Box 27866
Abilene, Texas 79699
(325) 674-2072
Dr. Stephen Baldridge, Director B.S.S.W. Program
[email protected]
Dr. Wayne Paris, Director M.S.S.W. Program
[email protected]
Angelo State University
Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)
This 120-credit B.S.W. builds knowledge and skills that prepare graduates for entry-level licensure to work in a variety of human services settings. Degree-holders frequently find competitive employment as case managers or social program assistants in mental health clinics, hospitals, community health agencies, child welfare programs, public schools, foster-care services, adolescent and family counseling centers, senior programs, residential facilities, or criminal justice centers. The program includes general education requirements, upper-level major classes, approved electives, research studies and internship experiences. Content spans the following topics:
-Overview of the social work profession
-Human behavior in the social environment
-Social welfare policies, practices and interventions
-Adaptation of practices for individuals, groups, and families
-Social work practices across the life span
-Multiculturalism and social work practices
-Social work and mental health
-Social work and human sexuality
-Social work in the criminal justice system
-Case management
- Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Council on Social Work Education
Angelo State University
2601 West Avenue North
San Angelo, Texas 76909
Thomas Starkey, Social Work Program Director
(325) 942-2068
[email protected]
Program Website
Baylor University
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Baylor's BSW program recognizes social work as a higher calling to serve others in meaningful ways. The curriculum equips students with competencies to pass state licensure exams and empowers them to help others navigate social contexts, crisis situations and life challenges. The 124-credit degree requires completion of general education credits, approved electives and courses in the major, which include these academic topics and experiential learning activities:
-Social justice and social work foundations
-Diversity and leadership
-Human behavior in the social environment
-Data analysis for social work programs
-Policy and research
-Capstone seminar on trending issues
-Practicum field experiences
-Internship of 480 supervised hours in an approved community agency
Master of Social Work
This unique MSW offers concentrations in Physical and Mental Health, Children and Families, or Community Practice and prepares graduates for advanced licensing exams to earn professional-level social work credentials. Career outcomes include working as program planners, administrators, community developers, clinicians or counselors within public and private social work settings. Students enter these tracks based on their backgrounds:
- Entrants with any baccalaureate can take the minimum two-year standard track, which requires 60-credits and two internships. Courses develop competencies in clinical counseling practices, administration, and community development. Concentration classes explore such topics as family and children's services, gerontology, death and grief, cross-cultural practices, or international social work.
- The 35-credit advanced track program is for candidates with a BSW and can be completed in as little as 12 months on a full-time schedule. It covers upper-level courses and studies in the concentration along with capstone and internship requirements.
- Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Council on Social Work Education
Baylor University
Diana R. Garland School of Social Work
811 Washington Ave
Waco, Texas 76701
Charletra Hurt, Director of Career and Alumni Services
(254) 710-4479
[email protected]
Hardin-Simmons University
Social Work Program, Bachelor of Behavioral Science in Social Work
Graduates with HSU's 124-credit BSSW degree are eligible to sit for professional licensure exams and become generalist practitioners or opt to continue with further master's studies. Curricular components consist of general education requirements, studies in the major, approved electives, and supervised field experiences in a choice of more than 75 community partner settings. These experiences provide practical training and networking opportunities that often translate into competitive employment offers. In-depth studies highlight the following topics:
-Social work history and trending issues
-Applied ethics and social justice issues
-Human behavior and social environments
-Social work practices and interventions
-Social sciences statistics
-Child welfare services
-Social welfare system policy
-Social research methods
-Societal healthcare issues
-Societal attitudes about aging
- Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Council on Social Work Education
Hardin-Simmons University
2200 Hickory
Abilene, Texas 79698
Melissa Milliorn, Department Head
(325) 670-1281
[email protected]
Program Page
Degree Plan
Howard Payne University
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Social Work
Degree outcomes directly relate to CSWE standards for the profession that lead to mastery of social work practices and interventions to serve individuals, families and communities. Students gain 124 credits from general education classes and electives, upper-level social work classes, required electives in psychology, sociology or statistics, and field work experiences. BS components cover heavier concentrations of computer science, statistics, math and science courses, while the BA emphasizes concepts in sociology, psychology and cultural studies. Essential courses investigate these topics:
-Social work history and foundations
-Human behavior and the social environment
-Social services and policies in rural settings
-Social welfare programs, policies and issues
-Social research theory and intervention techniques
-Social work practice at basic and advanced levels
- Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Commission on Accreditation of the Council on Social Work Education
Office of Admissions
Howard Payne University
1000 Fisk Street
Brownwood, Texas 76801
(325) 649-8020 or (800) 880-4HPU (toll free)
[email protected]
Department Website
Catalog, p. 198
Lamar University
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Graduates with this 124-credit generalist degree can seek professional licensure and immediate employment in entry-level social work positions or pursue master's studies. Professional career opportunities include working for foster care agencies, child protective services, medical facilities, mental health programs, hospices, rehabilitation centers, and residential settings for aging or disabled populations. Coursework entails all undergraduate requirements towards a baccalaureate with upper-level studies in the major encompassing core competencies and supervised field placements.Content framework emphasizes these topics:
-Social work foundations
-Social welfare institutions
-Human behavior and social environments
-Social work practices and interventions with diverse populations and age groups
-Social welfare policy and administration
-Social and economic justice
-Social work research methods
- Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Commission on Accreditation of the Council on Social Work Education
Department of Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice
Lamar University
Maes Building, Room 55
P.O. Box 10026
Beaumont, Texas 77710
Stuart A. Wright, Department Chair
(409) 880-8538
[email protected]
Program Website
Lubbock Christian University
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Students participating in this 120-credit program build core competencies required to attain professional licensure for entry-level work or to continue with graduate studies. Degree outcomes include becoming effective practitioners to work with people singly or in groups across diverse cultural and social-economic backgrounds. The curricular framework entails credits towards the baccalaureate from general education and broad elective choices alongside in-depth coursework in the major accompanied by supervised field experiences. Content encompasses the following:
-Social work history, foundations, research and methods
-Generalist practices for individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities
-Social work theory for diverse populations across the lifespan
-Statistical analysis of social work data
-Impacts of social environments on human behavior
-Sociology and social justice
-Maladaptive functioning
-Families and community violence
-Social work in criminal justice settings
-Global social work concerns and impacts
- Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Commission on Accreditation of the Council on Social Work Education
Lubbock Christian University
5601 19th Street
Lubbock, Texas 79407
Karen Dixon, Academic Coordinator
(806) 720.7836 or 800) 933-7601 (toll free)
[email protected]
Program Website
Midwestern State University
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Graduates with this 124-credit degree can opt to work in a variety of settings such as public schools, correctional centers, rehabilitation and treatment facilities, adoption agencies, counseling programs, healthcare organizations, private social service agencies, or senior care residences. The degree builds competencies that emphasize social work foundations, practices, interventions and supporting courses in psychology, sociology and supervised field experiences. Students can anticipate the following studies:
-Social work theory, history and application
-Parenting in the family and community
-Social work statistics
-Child welfare policy and practices
-Human behavior in the social environment
-Human diversity, aging and social justice
-Family systems
-Community mental health
-Clinical, community, human and treatment aspects of substance abuse
-Social work in human resources
- Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Commission on Accreditation of the Council on Social Work Education
Midwestern State University
3410 Taft Boulevard
Wichita Falls, Texas 76308
Lauren Stillson
(940) 397-4437 or (800)842-1922 (toll free)
[email protected]
Program Website
Our Lady of the Lake University
Bachelor of Social Work
The 120-credit BSW enables students to earn additional certificates in biliterate, English-to-Spanish competencies or Violence Prevention and Intervention. These certifications give graduates a competitive edge finding professional work in diverse settings such as healthcare, emergency assistance programs, shelter facilities, mental health agencies, senior centers, child advocacy and welfare groups, or schools. The degree also provides a pathway to professional licensure or to further graduate studies. Students take these courses in the major:
-Historical overview of social work
-Social welfare policy and programs
-Generalist social work practices
-Human behavior in individuals, families and groups
-Social work with diverse populations
-Child welfare
-Social work research and field placements
Master of Social Work
Master's studies allow candidates to acquire knowledge and skills for specialized interventions in direct practice. Special emphasis is placed on working with social issues facing the Hispanic population. Candidates can enter the standard 57-credit or 30-credit advanced program based on their undergraduate degrees. Studies encompass a broad range of topics that delve into trending social issues that consider aspects of age, culture, economics and gender with regard to practices and interventions.
- Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Commission on Accreditation of the Council on Social Work Education
Our Lady of the Lake University
411 S.W. 24th Street
San Antonio, Texas 78207
Mo Cuevas, PhD – Director
Worden School of Social Service
210-434-6711, ext. 6516
[email protected]
Program Website
Prairie View A&M University
Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW)
The 122-credit BASW instills generalist competencies that enable graduates to implement social work policy, research methods, and appropriate intervention strategies in their jobs. Upon program completion, students can earn licensure or continue with graduate studies. Competitive employment opportunities include positions in rural community centers, mental health programs, rehabilitation or treatment facilities, public assistance or welfare services, assisted living or nursing homes, occupational or industrial settings, schools, or social administration. Requirements cover the following content:
-Social work theory and history
-Social welfare policy analysis and services
-Social environments and human behavior
-Human and cultural diversity
-Social work practices and research
-Multicultural issues in mental health
-Gerontological social work
-Generalist crisis intervention
-Interventions targeting addiction
-Social work with at-risk juveniles
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools – Commission on Colleges
- Council on Social Work Education
Prairie View A&M University
Department of Social Work, Behavioral & Political Science
P.O. Box 519 – MS 2203
Prairie View, Texas 77446
(936) 261-1670
[email protected]
Program Website
St. Edward's University
Bachelor of Arts in Social Work
In accordance with CSWE's professional standards, the Bachelor of Arts in Social Work program at St. Edward's is focused on giving undergraduate students the preparation to build a long-lasting career fostering improved well-being for the less fortunate. Centered on a unique Christian worldview, students are trained to value the dignity of diverse human populations in an effort to confront oppression and social injustice. The 120-credit program requires students complete general education requirements before advancing into the upper-division social work major for well-rounded learning. A baccalaureate internship is included within the curriculum to develop field experience in generalist social work within NASW ethical guidelines.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
3001 South Congress
Austin, TX 78704
(512) 448-8400
[email protected]
Program Website
Stephen F. Austin State University
BSW Program
Building upon a liberal arts perspective, the BSW Program at SFASU is designed to produce competent professional social workers committed to generalist practice for alleviating poverty, oppression, and social/economic injustice from systems of all sizes. Social work majors are trained to identify and address community needs regionally and globally. The 120-hour degree plan spans over eight semesters full-time to cover topics ranging from social welfare and human behavior to children's services and research methods. BSW students complete 85 clock hours in a community-based social work setting for field experience. Graduates are qualified to begin advocating for social change in entry-level roles or applying to advanced education.
MSW Program
In preparation for advanced generalist practice, the MSW Program was established for graduate students at Stephen F. Austin State to further their knowledge and skills in addressing community needs for leadership. The 64-credit program has a unique emphasis on training social work practitioners for alleviating social challenges faced by rural communities, including poverty, scarcity of resources, lack of adequate housing, and economic underdevelopment. MSW students can follow the traditional two-year format, but an Advanced Standing option of 39 credits is available for those with a bachelor's in social work. Five fieldwork experiences are built within the curriculum. Students can also participate in the Child Welfare Professional Development Project with youth in rural East Texas.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
420 East Starr Avenue
Nacogdoches, TX 75962
(936) 468-5105
[email protected]
Program Website
Tarleton State University
Bachelor of Social Work
At Tarleton State, the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program has the mission of preparing effective generalist social workers for enhancing the well-being of multicultural communities in North and Central Texas. With great appreciation for human diversity, students are given the in-depth knowledge of human behavior to advocate for populations marginalized and oppressed in our society. Special emphasis is placed on service with Hispanic, military, and rural clients. In addition to the 120 credits of coursework, the program requires students complete an internship to collect over 450 hours of hands-on human service experience. BSW graduates will have the crisis intervention, assessment, interviewing, case management, and program evaluation skills to become licensed social workers in Texas.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
1333 West Washington Street
Stephenville, TX 76401
(254) 968-9276
[email protected]
Program Website
Texas A&M University – Commerce
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Approved by the CSWE since 1978, the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program at TAMUC grants undergraduate students the competencies in generalist social work practice to apply for licensing in Texas and several other states. The 60-credit major is carefully sequenced to foster the develop of essential knowledge, skills, values, and attributes required by social workers of the 21st century in an orderly progression. There's also a senior internship for BSW students to acquire a minimum of 460 clock hours in an approved social work agency. Graduates can pursue a master's degree in advanced standing or start their human services career. Social work aligns well with jobs in mental health, child welfare, family services, healthcare, criminal justice, substance abuse, counseling, rehabilitation, and more.
Master of Social Work (MSW)
Following an advanced generalist model, the Master of Social Work (MSW) is focused on giving Commerce graduate students the in-depth practice skills to lead services for individuals, families, small groups, communities, and organizations. Whether pursued full-time or part-time, the degree will equip social workers with the advanced know-how to assume supervisory and administrative duties. Courses are offered predominantly in evening hours to accommodate the needs of busy working social work practitioners. Over three semesters, MSW students will participate in 900 clock hours of supervised field internship experience across multiple levels of client systems. High-achieving students can also join TAMUC's Alpha Delta Mu Honor Society.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
2200 Campbell Street
Commerce, TX 75428
(903) 468-8100
[email protected]
Program Website
Texas Christian University
Bachelor of Social Work
As an upper-division major at Texas Christian, the Bachelor of Social Work is structured to provide high-quality career preparation for aspiring generalist social workers committed to promoting human rights for social justice. Students are trained with the compassion, integrity, and professional competency needed to serve diverse populations in today's increasingly global community. For enhanced Global Awareness, social work majors spend three weeks abroad in Seville, Spain working with the homeless. The 124-credit curriculum allows students to specialize their field practice in additions, criminal justice, family health, child welfare, or healthy aging. Admissions is given to students with junior status and a minimum overall GPA of 2.25.
Master of Social Work
At the graduate level, the Master of Social Work program at Texas Christian is determined to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed for autonomous social work practice in a globally diverse community. Students are prepared as advanced generalist practitioners for directing client-centered, problem-focused, and research-based interventions that advocate for social justice. The traditional two-year format is offered only full-time with a Fall semester start date. Advanced standing students can enroll either full-time or part-time. All MSW students are required to complete 500 clock hours of supervised field learning in a social work setting. It's possible to pair this degree with a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) through the Brite Divinity School.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
2800 Bowie Street
Fort Worth, TX 76129
(817) 257-7469
[email protected]
Program Website
Texas Southern University
B.A. in Social Work
Built upon the CSWE's 10 Core Competencies, the B.A. in Social Work program at Texas Southern is structured to train students from diverse backgrounds for engaging in entry-level generalist practice to meet the unique needs of urban residents, especially people of color. Students are given the requisite skills for successfully addressing problems of poverty, violence, economic inequity, disability, and racial discrimination in vulnerable inner-city populations. From a liberal arts perspective, the 120-credit degree is organized in two blocks to seamlessly blend social science cognates with professional social work coursework and field practice. Before graduation, students must pass the state licensing exam to become Texas social workers.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
3100 Cleburne Street
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 313-7783
[email protected]
Program Website
Texas State University
BSW Program
Satisfying Texas' requirements for state licensure, the BSW Program at Texas State is devoted to providing undergraduate students with a breadth of knowledge and experiences for entering careers in applied generalist social work practice. The program places an emphasis on being authentic, accepting, and sensitive toward people of diverse backgrounds and the challenges they may face. Within the 121-credit curriculum, students will delve deeper into topics on social service, relationships, alcoholism, human behavior, military social work, policy reform, child welfare, criminal justice, geriatrics, and healthcare. BSW majors will complete two field practice experiences of 270 clock hours apiece under the supervision of licensed social workers.
MSW Program
Ideal for college-degreed students wishing to further a career centered on improving society, the MSW Program uses a liberal arts perspective to develop advanced generalist professional social work knowledge. Texas State is fully accredited by the CSWE to deliver graduate-level preparation either on-campus or online. The program uses a specialized, focused approach to develop students' confidence in Advanced Practice Leadership (APL). Within the 62-credit curriculum, MSW students will complete at least 600 hours of agency work with individuals, families, and groups of diverse cultures. Full-time students who already hold a bachelor's degree in social work could qualify for an accelerated degree path of just three semesters.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
Health Professions Building Suite 150A
601 University Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666
(512) 245-2592
[email protected]
Program Website
Texas Woman's University
Bachelor's Degree in Social Work
Founded with a commitment to social justice, the Bachelor's Degree in Social Work is available for TWU undergraduate students based on an applied generalist practice model. Students build the theoretical knowledge, values, and skills needed for beginning-level social work service with Texas licensing. The degree requires the completion of 120 credits and at least 200 clock hours of field practicum. Every year, BSW students also complete more than 20,000 hours of service learning with children, domestic violence victims, the elderly, homeless, immigrants, and other vulnerable populations. There's also an option for students to participate in the Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Program to receive federal financial assistance and specialized preparation for working with disadvantaged youth.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
304 Administration Drive
P.O. Box 425887
Denton, TX 76204
(940) 898-2071
[email protected]
Program Website
University of Houston
MSW Program
Fully accredited by the CSWE since 1970, the MSW Program at UH is structured to deliver quality master's level education for social work practitioners to advance into leadership. The dynamic degree is ideal for graduate students seeking to encourage the maximum development of human potential in today's diverse communities. Students can pursue the MSW on-campus in Houston, online from anywhere, or in a hybrid weekend format. Within the 63-credit curriculum, all students will be required to complete at least 900 clock hours of fieldwork. In addition to the generalist track, students can concentrate in Clinical Practice or Macro Practice. Students can also gain more hands-on experience participating in the Austin Legislative Internship.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
4800 Calhoun Road
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 743-8075
[email protected]
Program Link
University of Houston- Clear Lake
BSW in Social Work
Building on a truly liberal education, the BSW in Social Work program at UHCL is focused on preparing undergraduate students to practice as responsible, productive, and creative generalists for dramatically changing our world. Since 2004, the CSWE-accredited program trained students to use a bio-psychosocial approach in helping individuals, families, groups, and organizations. In the 120-credit degree plan, students learn the skills to critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate social interventions. Field practicum is arranged at several local agencies in the Houston/Galveston metropolitan area. Students can also participate in the university's active Social Work Student Organization or Phi Alpha Honor Society. Graduates can qualify for furthering their education with advanced standing status.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
2700 Bay Area Boulevard
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 283-3333
[email protected]
Program Link
University of Houston- Downtown
Bachelor of Social Work
The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) at UHD is a practice-oriented program designed for upper-division undergraduates who seek the requisite skills to effectively empower minorities, immigrants, and other vulnerable populations. Students are trained to become generalist social work practitioners with a variety of intervention modalities, including case management and advocacy. Backed by CSWE accreditation, the program has an emphasis on promoting improved well-being and social functioning in inner cities like Houston. After completing the Texas Common Core, BSW students will complete at least 45 major credits in social work. Two semesters of applied field practicum are built into the curriculum for graduating with experience.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
1 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 221-2729
[email protected]
Program Link
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Social Work B.S.W.
With a four-year generalist curriculum, the Social Work B.S.W. degree at UMHB is structured for undergraduate students looking to start beginning practice and build a foundation for graduate school. The CSWE-accredited program requires the completion of at least 124 credit hours of general core and social work education. Using a distinctive Christian view, the program trains students to serve all members of God's community with compassion and dignity. Coursework will cover topics in abnormal psychology, sociology, government, statistics, human behavior, case management, diversity, and social work practice. Students must also complete two field practicum experiences and pass a senior examination. Graduation will be recognized by the Texas State Board of Social Work Examiners.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
900 College Street
Belton, TX 76513
(254) 295-4555
[email protected]
Program Link
University of North Texas
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Following the CSWE's standards, the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program is offered for undergraduate students who wish to build a community-based career assisting people facing poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, disability, illness, and racial prejudice. From a generalist approach, the four-year curriculum spans over 120 total hours. Students are gifted more than six free elective courses to customize their higher learning. Those pursuing the BSW can supplement their knowledge with a minor in Applied Gerontology, Behavior Analysis, Criminal Justice, Drug Abuse and Addictions, Rehabilitation Studies, or Sociology. The Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Program is also available. Full-time seniors can save money by earning UNT's Adam Main Courage and Perseverance Award.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
1155 Union Circle
Denton, TX 76203
(940) 565-3437
[email protected]
Program Link
University of Texas at Arlington
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
At UT Arlington, the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program has excelled in producing influential professional social workers who find careers in child welfare, mental health, addictions treatment, criminal justice, long-term rehabilitation, education, public policy, and more. The major includes 39 credits of social work courses with an optional Certificate in Diversity. Students are trained to practice in accordance with the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics. All BSW students must complete two consecutive semesters of field experience for a total of 480 clock hours. Well-known for its affordability, the program uses its broad liberal arts foundation to prepare entry-level generalist social work practitioners.
Master of Social Work (MSW)
Offered on-campus in Arlington or online via web-based instruction, the Master of Social Work (MSW) program is devised to give graduate students the enhanced knowledge and skills required for becoming advanced clinical practitioners. The program has an emphasis on Direct Practice with Children and Families. A Community and Administrative Practice (CAP) Concentration is also available. Most students will complete four semesters full-time for a total of 64 credits, but there's a shorter Advanced Standing option for graduates with a bachelor's degree in social work. The cohort-based curriculum includes field practicum across East Texas. Students may be interested in earning the Joint MSW/MPH degree for public health training too.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
211 South Cooper Street
Arlington, TX 76019
(817) 272-3191
[email protected]
Program Link
University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Consisting of 125 semester hours, the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program at UT Austin is devoted to giving undergraduates direct entry into professional human service positions to make a tangible difference. Students work collaboratively to develop essential interviewing, service planning, case management, crisis intervention, advocacy, research, and community outreach skills. All students begin as pre-social work majors for completing a rigorous liberal arts core before applying to the upper-division major as sophomores. In the last semester, students gain 480 clock hours of experience in a supervised social service internship. Study abroad opportunities are offered to BSW students each Maymester in London and Accra, Ghana.
Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW)
The Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW) program at UT Austin gives graduate students the chance to advance their skills for specialized practice with individuals, families, groups, couples, and whole communities. Using a systems/developmental framework, the 60-credit program trains students to ethically confront problems of social injustice. After the foundational year, students can select a concentration in Clinical Social Work or Administration and Policy Practice (APP). Post-BSW students can complete the degree in just 12 months with Advanced Standing status. All master's social work students will be required to complete at least 1,020 hours of practicum. The MSSW can be pursued with a MDiv, MPH, MPAff, JD, or M.A. in Latin American Studies too.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
1925 San Jacinto Boulevard
Austin, TX 78712
(512) 471-5457
[email protected]
Program Link
University of Texas at El Paso
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
At the undergraduate level, the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program at UTEP gives a broad introduction to fundamental knowledge in the social sciences for students working towards human services careers. The program strives to produce culturally competent practitioners who can promote social justice in the multicultural Paso Del Norte region along the U.S.-Mexico border. Requiring 59 major credits, the upper-division program offers classes during daytime, late afternoon, evening, and Saturday hours. Students further acquire generalist practice skills through practicum fieldwork at social service agencies in El Paso. BSW students can also add on specialized training in the Child Welfare Training Collaborative (CWTC).
Master of Social Work (MSW)
With a built-in concentration for "Social Work in the Border Region," the Master of Social Work (MSW) program is offered to graduates seeking advanced practice and leadership in UTEP's surrounding bi-cultural community. Students who don't qualify for the 30-credit Advanced Standing track with a CSWE-accredited bachelor's degree must complete 60 credits either full-time or part-time. All courses are conveniently held in late afternoon and evening hours for busy working professionals. Students will thoroughly discuss topics on clinical assessment, social policy, cultural diversity, group dynamics, research methods, and macro practice. Completing two advanced practica and a culminating master's research project is required before graduation.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
500 West University Avenue
El Paso, TX 79968
(915) 747-5095
[email protected]
Program Link
University of Texas at San Antonio
Master of Social Work (MSW)
First granted CSWE accreditation in 2008, the Master of Social Work (MSW) program focuses on educating transformative practitioners for advanced social work leadership with diverse individuals, groups, families, and organizations. UTSA uses a multicultural context for preparing culturally competent social workers capable of ethical social responsibility. The main curriculum requires the completion of 60 credits. Students with an accredited BSW and minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 could qualify for the 36-credit Advanced Standing route. In addition to their evening and Saturday classes, MSW students must complete two 450-hour field practicum placements at an approved agency. Many will also conduct research with a faculty mentor on aspects of domestic violence, child welfare, mental health, discrimination, and more.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249
(210) 458-4331
[email protected]
Program Link
University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Bachelor of Social Work
Fully accredited by the CSWE, the Bachelor of Social Work program at UTPB places students on the pathway to becoming eligible for social work licensing in Texas. The rigorous curriculum trains generalist social workers with the capability to deliver culturally competent services that foster full human potential in multi-lingual communities. Students strengthen their sense of social responsibility for advocating against the perils of discrimination and oppression. Pre-social work majors must complete 45 lower-division credits before gaining admissions into the professional program. Throughout the senior year, students will gather 480 hours of applied field placement experience under formal supervision. Majors must attain a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 in all coursework for graduation.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
4901 East University Boulevard
Odessa, TX 79762
(432) 552-2353
[email protected]
Program Link
University of Texas- Pan American
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Rooted in a strong liberal arts foundation, the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree at UTPA is structured to give students the social and behavioral science knowledge necessary for generalist practice with diverse populations. Students are trained to follow ethical standards in advocating for social justice to alleviate poverty, oppression, and discrimination. The 120-credit program spans over four years full-time with three required field practice opportunities. Selecting a minor in Addiction Studies, Rehabilitation Services, Mexican American Studies, or Women's Studies could be helpful. The last semester consists of a 480-hour field internship and accompanying seminar. Any graduate will be qualified to become a LBSW under the Texas Professional Social Work Act.
Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW)
With a tradition of excellence recognized by the CSWE, the Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW) program allows graduate students to explore theoretical frameworks and ground-breaking research for advancing into social work leadership. Students are able to specialize their skills for Practice with Latino Individuals, Families, and Groups (micro practice) or Community Practice and Administration (macro practice). Either way, the 63-credit program will span over two years and require the completion of two 200-hour field placements. Students with a BSW degree from an accredited school and 3.2 major GPA could follow the 33-credit Advanced Standing track. The program can also be completed at a distance through the University of Texas at Brownsville partnership.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
1201 West University Drive
Edinburg, TX 78539
(956) 665-2413
[email protected]
Program Link
West Texas A&M University
B.A./B.S. in Social Work
Leading to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree, the B.A./B.S. in Social Work program at West Texas A&M is fully accredited to produce beginning entry-level generalist practitioners prepared for graduate education. Students are given the requisite background for social workers to effectively assist clients of different cultures in improving quality of life. The 48-credit major fulfills the requirements necessary to become a practicing LBSW in Texas. Two block practicum placements of 225 clock hours apiece are included. Coursework will explore human diversity, social welfare, self-reflection, human behavior, social policy, research methods, counseling, aging, grief, professional ethics, and community planning.
M.S. in Social Work
CSWE-accredited since 2013, the M.S. in Social Work program is available for WTAMU graduates who seek to become advanced generalist practitioners with the professional values to assume leadership as societal change agents. Students focus on building the skills, network, resources, and knowledge for alleviating social and economic injustice in the rural Texas panhandle region. For Advanced Standing, students must have completed a BSW degree in the last six years with a minimum major GPA of 3.0. Advanced Standing students must finish 36 credits, whereas non-BSW students must complete 62 credits. By graduation, students will have acquired at least 900 clock hours of applied field practicum for seamless job transition.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
2501 4th Avenue
Canyon, TX 79016
(806) 651-2590
[email protected]
Program Link
Social work is the ideal major for college students wishing to turn their passion for community service into a lifelong career promoting positive societal change. Licensed social workers are given the tremendous opportunity to help diverse people across the lifespan cope with and resolve social problems impacting their daily life. Whether you specialize in child and family, clinical, geriatric, medical, school, mental health, or military social work, you'll be in high demand. The BLS projects that 114,100 new social work jobs will be added through 2022 in the United States for whopping 19 percent employment growth. If you're looking to study in the "Lone Star State," consider one of these accredited social work degrees in Texas to start liberating people for enhanced well-being.