There are many blogs about crisis intervention. Although existent in varying locations online, these particular blogs are most commonly found at the websites of reputable organizations devoted to such causes. Here are five of the most reputable blogs about crisis intervention along with their parent organization.
The first in our list of blogs about crisis intervention is brought to us by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, or AIHCP. This blog is particularly geared toward medical crisis intervention with regards to medical professionals and families. It is interactive, meaning you can post to it and look for answers from its sources. It also covers the entire range of medical crisis intervention topics including crisis recognition, prevention, courses of action, and other supportive resources. Other, more specific educational offerings are also available to those considered first-responders, corrections workers and others.
There are many state-advocated news feeds and blogs about crisis intervention and crisis-related topics, and this is just one great example. It is provided by KCIT, or Keystone Crisis Intervention Team. This Pennsylvania-based intervention program focuses on victims of crime and other civil matters. The KCIT blog is likewise a valuable and relevant source for all things crisis intervention. Subjects covered include community resources, family support methodology, psychological approaches, temporary sheltering needs, and much more. Again, many states provide similar offerings and this is just one very good example, provided by the state of Pennsylvania.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness maintains its own blog, rich in information on all things regarding mental illness and wellness. All crisis intervention resources here are geared toward mental illness and psychological types of crisis situations. These types of situations can include abusive relationships, abnormal behaviors and activities, drug and alcohol issues, and many others. The NAMI blog is a great one for professionals as well as victims and families in that its information is inclusive to all and relevant in many circumstances.
Handle With Care: Crisis Intervention and Behavior Management Training
Handle With Care is actually a private company that is renowned in the areas of crisis intervention and behavior. The company provides professional crisis training to employees of other companies and organizations. They also host seminars and news events throughout the country.
In their blog, a wide range of subtopics can be found in the areas of crisis intervention. These topics range from broader, political involvement in crisis work, to finite details of specific, ground-level crises. Many have the potential to benefit from this privately run blog and the many angles it covers in crisis intervention and management.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression is a major source of disability and other greater problems and crises. With this blog, we finally confront perhaps one of the most important crises: the crisis of the self, or depression. Here, Students Against Depression individually write from their experiences, contributing on an individual basis to the entirety of the blog. Visitors can also find more information about each contributor, making them even more human, relateable, and accessible. This all creates for a more "down-to-Earth" blog that is earthy and relateable to those seeking help in times of crisis and depression. Links are also provided for those in immediate crisis and needing immediate help.
There are many kinds of crises and even intervention courses out there. Thankfully, with the help of organizations like these we have valuable resources such as blogs on these types of difficult subjects. Whether you are a professional or simply an individual affected by crisis, these are five very helpful blogs about crisis intervention.
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