Social Work at Western Connecticut State University
This school appears on our ranking of 20 High-value BSW Degrees in Metro Areas with Top Salaries for Social Workers.
Western Connecticut State University is home to an undergrad social work degree program that ranks as the top program of its type in the state. This program also ranks among the top 10 of all social work programs in the nation in terms of return on investment. The low tuition rate charged by the university combined with the amount that students make once they graduate helps them get more out of their education.
WCSU uses a generalist approach to social work. Instead of requiring that students pick a concentration and study one specific field, students look at all the major areas of social work. They'll take classes that prepare them for working with younger children as well as other groups like the elderly and the homeless. Students will learn how to identify the signs of abuse and what to do when they spot those signs on the job. Many of the graduates of this program work for government agencies, but graduates also work in the healthcare sector, for private organizations and even in schools.
The Social Work Club on its campus offers opportunities for students who want to put their skills into practice. Students do volunteer work to help others in need. In the past, the club raised money for a local school, took group tours of graduate schools in neighboring states and participated in charity events together. The university hosts both a symposium and a professional development day each year. Students can attend the symposium and listen to guests talk about major issues impacting the social work field. The professional development event helps students learn more about the job opportunities for social work degree holders.
About Western Connecticut State University
Western Connecticut State University is a large university in Connecticut that goes by a few different names, including Western Connecticut State, WCSU and just Western. Established in 1903 as the Danbury Normal School, it offered training programs for teachers and awarded graduates certificates and diplomas. When it became the Danbury State Teachers College in the 1960s, it switched to programs that awarded graduates full degrees. The college also served as Danbury State College and Western Connecticut State College until becoming WCSU in 1983. The campus is home to the Jane Goodall Center for Excellence in Environmental Studies. This nonprofit organization works with the Jane Goodall Institute and allows students to learn more about the environmental impact that humans have on the world.
The university hosts special events every year that bring in guest speakers. President Bill Clinton spoke to students, alumni and faculty in the past. The President came to personally thank students for the work they did in raising money for tsunami relief. Social work majors and those in other programs often work on fundraising efforts and to raise awareness for special issues around the world. WCSU is now part of the Connecticut State University system. The university saw its enrollment climb to more than 6,000 students in recent years.
Western Connecticut State University Accreditation Details
Western Connecticut State is home to one of the only undergrad social work degree programs in the state with accreditation from the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). CSWE accreditation lets students know that this program will prepare them for working in the field and for continuing their education at the graduate level. As the university has regional accreditation from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), students can also take classes on other campuses and transfer their credits to the university. They also have the right to use the FAFSA and apply for financial aid. The university's teaching, nursing, and music programs have specialty accreditation too.
Western Connecticut State University Application Requirements
Though WCSU is a public university, it is very selective. The university accepts just 40% of the applications sent in each year. Students must meet its admissions requirements to receive an acceptance letter. The university looks for students who took two to three years of a foreign language, two years of life science and social studies classes, three years of math classes and four years of English classes. It also looks for students who maintained a B- grade point average in all those classes. Students should also score at least 1080 on the SAT and graduate within the top third of their high school classes.
Students applying to Western Connecticut State must submit a completed and signed application and pay the $50 application fee. They also need to submit an official high school transcript and an official standardized test score. The university asks students to write an essay but allows them to write an essay on anything they want. Students can provide letters of recommendation and/or attend an interview with an admissions counselor too. Those accepted to the university will also need to provide the school with their immunization records before they can enroll.
Tuition and Financial Aid
WCSU requires that all students pay a deposit, which the university will use to hold their places for the coming semester. This deposit is due by the middle of July for those starting in the fall and the middle of December for those starting in the spring. The university also charges Connecticut residents a tuition rate of $5,229 per semester, which allows them to take between 12 and 18 credits of classes. Students living in the closest six counties in New York also qualify for the resident tuition rate. Those who live in other New England states pay $6,429 per semester. All other students pay a nonresident rate of $11,573 per semester. The university offers room and board for students who want to live on its campus too.
Students can submit the FAFSA at the same time that they submit their applications to Western Connecticut State. This form determines if the student needs any financial aid. The university will then determine what aid the student will get. Many undergrads participate in the WCSU work-study program that pays them for working for the university. They may get grants and loans from the government as well. Students can use external scholarships that come from different organizations and groups also. Western Connecticut State University offers a small number of internal scholarships that include those for students who have a higher financial need and those who demonstrate more merit than their peers.
Click here for more information on studying social work at Western Connecticut State University.